Furthermore, I ask that the information given in the previous open letters regarding the suspicion or confirmed diagnosis of an infection with the corona virus and the return of travel from risk areas has to be strictly adhered to.I would like to thank you all very sincerely for your support and your understanding for the measures taken - which are intended to protect the members of our University and their families in the best possible way and to counteract the spread of the corona virus.I wish you, also on behalf of the Rectorate and the crisis management team, from the bottom of my heart that you and your families remain healthy and that you get through this extremely difficult situation well.Third Open letter from the President regarding the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) of 17 March 2020Yesterday, the Saxon State Rectors' Conference, together with the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism, held a conference call to discuss how to deal with the worldwide spread of the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and the infectious disease ("Corona virus induced disease", COVID-19) caused by it. CORONA: Virtualisierung der Lehre. For this purpose, additional, special hygiene concepts or hygiene and protection regulations are required, which must be cleared with the company medical service via Ms Diana Schreiterer (e-mail: As already stated in the Eighth Open Letter on the corona virus, it is possible to hold introduction lectures (including the discussion with the appointment committee) in (partial) attendance at the meetings of appointment committees, as far as this is necessary and the hygiene and protection regulations can be fully observed. Of course, the protection of the health of our employees and students is our highest priority. I would like to inform you about these and some other points below.Although the preventive measures taken against the spread of the carona virus (SARS-CoV-2) mean that, as already announced, it is not possible to start the semester with a simultaneous start of classroom courses, it was and is our clear goal to offer as many alternative teaching and learning formats as possible already at the start of the semester - i.e. Appropriate procedures will be developed and communicated in June 2020.all employees of Chemnitz University of Technology are required to make use of mobile work as far as possible. However, their fulfilment would not correspond to extended stand-by operation, but rather to (limited) normal operation and would result in a considerable increase in the number of people at our university, in the dormitories, and in the city. Sessions, committee meetings, etc. Seit Montag 08.06. könnt ihr euch für die Prüfungen des SoSe2020 anmelden.

Thank you very much for this!To protect the members of our university and their families in the best possible way and to counteract the spread of the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), Chemnitz University of Technology was put into full stand-by operation on 23 March 2020, 5:00 p.m., and the start of classroom teaching was postponed to 4 May 2020 at the earliest.Now that the rate of infection has decreased throughout Germany, the Chancellor and the heads of the state governments agreed on 15 April 2020 "to work in small steps to restart public life, to allow citizens greater freedom of movement, and to restore the disrupted value chains" - under the guiding principle of "protecting all people in Germany as best as possible from infection". At the same time, however, this is also the best way to avoid having to undo various steps we have taken in recent months, or even to fall into a complete lockdown for a longer period of time.The recent "corona outbreaks" in Germany and warnings of a second wave of infection show how fragile the current situation is. Chemnitzer Fachtagung Mikrosystemtechnik - Mikromechanik & … On the other hand, however, it also makes it unmistakably clear that despite the current situation and the extremely difficult general conditions associated with it, we are striving to make the best of the situation and to maintain our university life as far as it is possible and responsible. or are on sick leave, they are required to be reachable by telephone and/or e-mail, to make use of mobile work if this is possible and reasonable, and in principle to remain available for work on site. Fachkolloquium innoTRAC — Innovative Traction Mechanisms an der Technischen … MAXimal altern für die #Forschung: